Apr. 3 2020 Buying a Trailer By Jodi Tebb

There is lots to think about when you are buying your first trailer. Whether you have been shopping around, saving up, or waiting for the perfect time to buy it is a purchase worth being prepared for!

Here are 6 things you will want to consider before making your purchase decision:


1. Know the size and weight of what you are going to be hauling.  

If the trailer has axles that are bigger than the load is then it won’t pull as nice. You will also want to make sure that the rear door opening is big enough. For example, if you are loading a side-by-side you will want the measurements for height and width. If you will be loading containers, the door needs to be wide enough.

2. Do you want a gooseneck or a bumper pull?

Understand the pro’s and con’s of buying a gooseneck vs. a bumper pull trailer. To learn more, check out our latest blog here.

3. Decide if you want steel, aluminum, or a hybrid

It is important to know the difference between these three different trailer assemblies before you make your final decision. Learn which one looks better, lasts longer and is more economical to haul by checking out our blog The Difference between Steel, Aluminum, and Hybrid Trailers

4. Think about what kind of door you will need for the rear of the trailer

The kind of door you want will depend on what you are going to be loading. There are two options for loading; doors or ramps.  If you are loading something travels on wheels, you will want a ramp and for everything else you will probably want barn doors.

5. Have a plan for storing your trailer

You will want to have a plan in place for parking and storing your trailer when you aren’t using it. Having a storage spot suitable for the size of the trailer will make life so much easier all year round.

6. Make sure the tow rating of your vehicle is compatible with your trailer

It is important to make sure that the vehicle that you will be using to haul your new trailer, is equipped to do so. Your vehicle needs to have a tow rating that matches the specifications of your trailer. This will ensure it has the engine power, braking power, and towing capability to haul safely and comfortably. This is critical for your safety as well as the safety of your passengers, livestock and everyone else travelling around you.

If you are in the market for your very first bumper pull horse trailer you aren’t going to want to miss out on our Dream maker deal! Check it out here 

Have questions or need help finding the perfect trailer for you? We would love to help. Contact us today